Monday, September 14, 2009

You Made a Difference with SB 600

California’s 2009 Legislative Session came to a close on Friday. Unfortunately, we did not see a tobacco tax increase signed into law this session. Click here to let your legislators know that we won’t be giving up any time soon:

Your support for this life-saving legislation has been tremendous and has laid the groundwork for upcoming opportunities. For this, we couldn’t be more thankful to you!

We truly came together to fight Big Tobacco and no one can deny that our Legislature felt the heat! You sent over 14,000 e-mails and attended hundreds of meetings in support of SB 600; you also wrote letters to the editor and made countless phone calls to your legislators.

It’s about time CA increased its tobacco tax and you helped make that perfectly clear. Please e-mail your legislators today and tell them that we will not give up on this issue; we cannot give up on the lives it will save.

Reminiscent of the words of the man who I believe will one day sign into law a tobacco tax increase, “We’ll be back!”

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