Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Resolve to SAVE LIVES in 2010 - Lead the Fight Against Tobacco

As 2009 draws to a close, you may be reflecting on your resolutions for the New Year. This year, resolve to save lives by leading the fight for a tobacco tax increase in 2010!

The American Heart Association, the American Lung Association and the American Cancer Society have joined together to raise California's tobacco tax through a ballot initiative: The Hope 2010 - California Cancer Research Act (CCRA).

The CCRA would increase the state tobacco tax by $1.00 a pack and invest the revenues in cancer research, and in tobacco prevention and enforcement programs. We are aiming to qualify the measure for the November 2010 statewide ballot.

Email Megan.Lara@heart.org if you want to help!

As a You're the Cure Advocate you may know that we have made more than a dozen attempts to increase California's tobacco tax. Most recently we attempted to raise the tax by $1.50 in the State Legislature, which unfortunately failed this past September. California's current 87-cent a pack cigarette tax is the 31st lowest among all 50 states.

Here's where the increased funds from CCRA will go:
- 60 percent will go to research efforts to prevent and treat cancer and other smoking-related illnesses such as heart disease and stroke
- 23 percent will fund smoking cessation, tobacco use prevention, and enforcement of anti-tobacco laws/anti-smuggling
- 15 percent will pay for facilities and equipment to support research
- No more than 2 percent will be spent on administrative costs

We need advocates like you to step up and take the lead across the state. Are you interested in taking part in activities in your county that would support this life-saving campaign? Please e-mail megan.lara@heart.org for more information and we will follow up with you no later than the first week of January.

Thank you for your continued support of this issue. When the CCRA passes on voting day, you will know that YOU made a difference and YOU saved lives!

1 comment:

  1. I think there should also be an increase on chewing tobacco, not just smoking tobacco.
